Under Cover of Darkness


This is a new four part documentary I’m making on Ferguson.  The first part is being released today 7/20/2015.  To those who watched my earlier attempt at this concept, this video (while titled the same) is different.

Part 1 deals with the unrest in August of 2014.  RELEASED

Part 2 will deal with the immediate political / sociological situation in the St. Louis Region, the unrest in September and finally the Grand Jury preparations.

Part 3 will deal with the Grand Jury Decision and Aftermath.

Part 4 will deal with everything since November.

Defining Peace

IMG_20150714_094848A St. Louis Metro Officer was shot in the chest yesterday morning (7/14/15) in the Central West End while sitting in uniform in his personal car.  Fortunately, he was wearing his ballistic vest which worked as advertised.  He was transported to the hospital but is apparently going to be just fine.   fuppedwindowdressingThe officer managed to return fire through the windshield so it’s unclear from the cover picture which shots came from the officer and which came from the assassin.  Afterward, the shooter fled in what was described as a gray ford Taurus along with three additional people.

Sometime later, a gunshot victim who apparently drove a similar car checked himself into the hospital claiming to have been shot in the city around the time of the earlier incident.  It hasn’t been confirmed that this person is or is not formally a suspect, but it is rumored that the other individuals from the car have all been taken into custody in the interim.

The story is crazy enough as is, but not to be outdone, the Ferguson Twitter Brigade couldn’t leave well enough alone and took advantage of another opportunity to prove just how classless they are. Continue reading


problemPictured above is a map showing reported violent crime: murder, felony assault, robbery, and arson, to St. Louis County Police since August in the area around W. Florissant near Ferguson.  It does not include those same crimes reported to Muni’s in the area which explains why it drops off at the Ferguson City limits and other corresponding city limits.  In other words, this is an under-representation of the total problem.



The DOJ is apparently preparing to release another report on Ferguson in the coming weeks. The report is expected to be a condemnation of the tactics used by the officers from around fifty agencies who responded to the riots following the death of Mike Brown back in August.

While the Response Report is expected within the next several days, a much larger report on St. Louis County Police in the vein of the Ferguson report from March is expected later this month.  The timing of these reports is suspect considering that we are currently one month away from the anniversary of the riots, a time that almost everyone in Law Enforcement expects to be bad… though at the moment we can only guess as to how bad.  County Police are reportedly going to twelve hour shifts again preemptively around that time just in case.

While I don’t have access to the entire Response Report, a supposedly confidential executive summary of the report was leaked to the St. Louis Post Dispatch. According to the Post, the DOJ faults the response in the following ways, which I’ve organized into a more manageable format for my own dissemination.  My commentary is in italics: Continue reading